Living kidney transplantation: preoperative assessment in the donor and recipient

Galletta D., Lauria I., Confuorto M., Mastrola A.M., Suarato V., Micanti F. ABSTRACT Background: The study aimed to demonstrate the importance ofthe assessment of psychological profile for the evaluation of the beingready to take on the operation. Methods: It’s evaluated another pair of brothers, using the following tests: SCL-90R, IRI, graphics test, Raven’s ProgressiveMatrices and Rorschach […]
EPA 2019-27th European Congress of Psychiatry, Warsaw, Poland 6-9 April 2019 | A Systemic analysis of the emotional deregulation and the reality test impairment in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder

Galletta D., Lauria I., Confuorto M. Introduction. The present work aims to continue a previous study that explored the role of MMPI-2 PSY-5 scales in the BPD diagnosis (Galletta et al.). In that study clinically significant elevations emerged both in the PSYC scale and in the NEGE scale, highlighting difficulties in emotional regulation and transient deficits […]
EPA 2021-29th European Congress of Psychiatry, An Innovative Online ExperienceRelationship between cognitive functions and empathy in patients with neurocognitive deficit

Galletta D., Lauria I., Suarato V., Mastrola A.M. and Confuorto M. Introduction. Empathy is a social emotive skill that let to experience the same feelings of another person without being in the same situation. It changes during the growth becoming more over sophisticated with the involving of cognitive functions such as perspective taking (Hoffmann, 2000). […]